TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Re: Ideas for plugging AC/Aux fan mounting holes
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Subject Re: Ideas for plugging AC/Aux fan mounting holes
Posted by Adam393 on January 22, 2018 at 7:48 AM
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In Reply To Ideas for plugging AC/Aux fan mounting holes posted by Adam393 on January 19, 2018 at 11:36 AM
Message Apparently I am completely blind. I took another look over the weekend, this time with a light, and it looks like there is a drain hole that has a flush plug in it. I didn't mess around with it since I was working on the oil lines at the time, and I forgot to try and pop it off when I finished. I'll pop it off next weekend and test it out, but it seems as if this should be a covered drain hole.

To address the feedback so far (thank you for the suggestions):

For the grommet holes, they are an odd sized oval shape (2.75"w X 1.5"h), so a plastic rivet or regular plug wouldn't fit. I did some quick searches for the size and didn't come up with an exact fit, but I would be surprised if there wasn't something out there that would fit if I were to spend more time searching.
Thankfully, the area is painted, so it wouldn't concern me too much for rust. I also try to avoid the rain as much as possible with the car, and I don't drive it in the winter. I just wouldn't want the off chance of water finding its way into the holes over time.
Putting the stock grommets back in with a bolt/washer, some silicone sealant, then topped off with HVAC tape seems like a good combo if the hole I found turns out to not be a drain

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